Grapevine Package

Grapevine Package


PSTN (Public Standard Telephone Network) long distance in many cases is still the best pay as you go value for communications with distant family, friends and business partners. MapleLeaf CA offers its long distance subscribers a preferred rate of $0.0575 to anywhere in Continental North America excluding Mexico anytime of day or night. MapleLeaf CA also offers preferred worldwide high quality connectivity and exceptional rates** to countries around the globe, without any minimum monthly charges, hidden costs or gimmicks. MapleLeaf CA offers just plain old-fashioned value for your dollar whether you call 1 min per year or 24 hours per day. Talk to your MapleLeaf CA representative on how you can take advantage of this great service.

Grapevine 800 service monthly charge $5.00 per month $0.15 per minute MapleLeaf CA can assign you a 800/877/888 number or pick your current toll free service for you. Grapevine service is required for this service, talk to your representative for more details.

Internaltional LD routing codes                          International LD Rates**

** LD rates are current published rates International rates and are subject to price correction to current applicable rate at time of call placement/billing without notice per C.R.T.C. regulations.

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