Spruce Package

Spruce Package

Spruce Tree

Spruce the most basic of woods and the most common of building material. The Spruce package is our basic dial-up package,. It offers 56K unlimited V90 connectivity virtually anywhere in Canada and United States. A standard analog modem is required to connect to the Internet. The package also includes;

1 mail box account with 5 e-mail addresses
POP3 & Webmail accessible with 125MB e-mail box
E-mail with a limit of 30MB.
Free inbound & outbound antivirus and anti-spam scan.
10 MB of personal web space

The Spruce package is available for just $17.20 monthly in the following North American cities Dial Up Locator

For more availability, additional information or to signup for this service please consult your MapleLeaf CA representative.

following North American cities: For more availability, additional information or to signup for this service please consult your MapleLeaf CA representative.

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